Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Ferry Booked


After a long winter and only a couple of visits to Avalon we will be back in very early May Yay! Smile

The ferry is booked and the list making has started.

So normal blogging will resume soon.


  1. Great! Looking forward to the blogs. Enjoy!

  2. At last you're almost back! I thought we may have heard from one of you when you visited Matilda Rose a few weeks ago but alas not. Not that I'm complaining, we are grateful for all your efforts and the pictorial tour of a beautiful part of the world. Have an enjoyable preparation and journey down.
    I dont suppose you've built a Wardrobe Butty to tow behind?

  3. Hello Andy

    I left MR to blog our visit. I did go to Avalon with Sue and Vic but just to do some bits and bobs and take some new cushions spare windows and other bits and to check on things.

    Deb would like a wardrobe butty but its not happening!
