Thursday, 7 May 2015

Sillery to Condé-sur-Marne

11 Locks, 1 Tunnel, 14½ Miles, 5 hours

We did it, we moved.  Up at 7.30am and on the move at 9.59am  Not bad for us at all!

So it was goodbye to Avalon’s winter mooring at Sillery.

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Reversing out ready to turn 180° and head towards Condé-sur-Marne

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Off we go

Once under way it wasn’t long before reached our first lock.  Despite being away for 6+months it all came back in a flash and the first 3 locks up were soon done.  These were the type that need to be set with a twist pole.

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The 3 lock saw us at the summit level.  3 miles later we got the green light to enter Billy-le-Grand tunnel. 2.3km long.  Boy was it cold in there!

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Once out a short hop to then next 8 locks down.  These were all auto setting accept for the last lock into Condé-sur-Marne  A call to the VNF required a visit by the man in a van to make it work.

We are back a the same mooring as we were last October.

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I then headed back to Sillery on my bike to get the motohome.  I have fitted a bike computer and to my surprise it was just over 16 miles back using towpath and roads.

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