Friday, 25 April 2014

Arrival In Ypres

Just a quick interim blog as I am low on credit.

MR arriving in Ypres harbor and winding
Followed shortly by us.
Those of you keeping a share eye will notice I said we were doing a ring but this is a spur off that ring.
Here is a complete map of Belgium waterways.
photo (3)
and our current bit.
photo (2)
and the bit we will be doing next week to Brugge.
FYI I was able to get this image from Google Earth of the lock “roundabout” system at Nieuwpoort. 
photo (1)
We took the top left to start this trip
More tomorrow.  I have loads of photos but need more credit to upload.


  1. There's some amazing engineering in the Google image! And looking at the big map canal no's 28, 29 & 30 look interesting too, can't wait... :)

  2. We will probably do 29 and 30 not sure about 28 though.
